Saturday, June 29, 2013

Beauty: Greaser Girls- Hair Grease, or Not?

Alright, so if you read my Fashion post about Greaser Girl Fashions then I don't have to explain what a Greaser is, if you haven't read that...I suggest you read that one then read this one so you have a better understanding because I don't want to make this one really long.

Alright, we all know how the boy greasers do their hair, they Grease it back with Pomade, Hair Grease, or Hair Gel. But the question lingering on our minds is: How Did Greaser Girls do their hair? We never saw any Greaser Girls in The Outsiders movie and they were hardly described in the book, so how do we know how to do our hair if we are a girl? Here is how:
  • A Good style is the pin-up curls, or Rockabilly. If you have seen Pin-Up girls then you can do their form of hairstyle. Lots of curls, mainly. It isn't teased up like the 80's but you can pin it up or back, you can even put it in a ponytail that is curly and curl your bangs up for that rock-a-billy mixed with pin-up girl style.
  • Another good one is just imitate the boys! Grease/Gel it back into a Pompadour style, you don't have to have the bump in the front but you can grease your bangs off to the side so they are still in your face but grease the sides back (Much like Johnny Cade from The Outsiders)
  • You could just leave it normally because Angela Shepard (again, The Outsiders) is just described as having long hair she just leaves down and she is a Greaser Girl.
  • Make up a new style! Combine any of these styles to create your own unique style! Use your imagination, you don't have to follow these tips strictly because this is just to help you understand the basic style!

Just leave your make-up natural, even going without make-up is better! If you wanna be a hooker-like Greaser Girl then go ahead and cake on the make-up! If you must wear eye-popping make-up then use red lipstick with a softer color of eye shadow and you use black eyeliner with a little wing at the end, it is a very sexy look and it gives you that feminine but tough beauty that some guys prefer!