Is your Zodiac Sign a Cancer? Ever wanted to know more about it but didn't want to sit and read everything? Well, here is lots of it in this article! I'm starting with Cancer because it is around that time aka your Star Sign is a Cancer if your birthday is:
June 21-July 22
It's picture is normally a single Crab and the Cancer's season is Summer. Emotions run extremely strong for Cancers, therefore it makes it hard to get to know one; they think family and home are most important, so the word 'devotion' is the main keyword for this sign.
Traditionally, Cancers make great Parents since all things related to family is one of the Cancers top priorities. A favorite pastime is passing on family stories to the next generation,
Cancers are very helpful when it comes to friendship which means they are almost always willing to help out or lend a hand if it doesn't interfere with family matters. People who enjoy cards or home dining are top picks for friends, since they prefer the 'homey' setting.
Since they have lots of emotions, it's hard to understand Cancers which is why they try to pick people who can understand them as much as possible for a partner in their love life. Usually superficial or too ambitious people aren't very well working with the Cancer for their love lives. They are also devoted to their partners and love children while they mate for life. Mostly compatible with Scorpio and Pisces, while they aren't very compatible with Capricorn since they are opposites.
The most sensitive parts of stimulation, for Cancers, are breast, stomach, and upper liver. Their ruling planet is the moon, the moon governs instincts, moods, tides, personal interests, desires, needs, fertility, the need to touch, growth, and consciousness. Their select color is silver, which, I suppose, ties into the moon idea. Gemstone is pearl, lucky numbers are 4 and 6, and best gifts are collectibles or an item they could put in their house. Lucky day is Monday while their element is Water.
Some famous Cancers are: Sylvester Stallone, Princess Diana, Robin Williams, John Glenn, 50 Cent, Phyllis Diller, and Prince William.