Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hunger Games Clove Arena Hairstyle Tutorial

Do you love Clove from The Hunger Games? When you watched the movie, did you like how they did Clove's hair for the Arena? Even if you don't like Clove, you can still like her hairstyle! Here is what you need:

  1. Depending on the length of your hair (Before I cut my hair, it was about to my ribcage, maybe a little longer when it was straightened, but if it wasn't it was just below my breasts) I used 4 but give or take if your hair is longer or shorter.
  2. Comb
  3. Hairbrush
Now you have your supplies ready, you can now style your hair. When I did this for the first time, I took a shower then let my hair dry a little and then put it up so it looks somewhat wet.

  1. Put your hair in a high ponytail in the middle of your head (you can put it on the base of your head aka before the top of your head if you want, but the lowest would be middle of your head)
  2. Put an elastic below that (you can choose the distance) and pull the hair through a little so it creates a little 'ball' effect.
  3. Repeat step 2 until you can't put anymore elastics in
And you should have Clove's hairstyle!


  • You can do your hair dry or wet, if it is wet it will dry into the little ball things you made in your hair so when you take it out it is wavy, but it works well either way.
  • You don't need to use hairspray, especially if your hair is wet. But if your hair has a hard time staying in this style then go ahead and use some hairspray or use a spray bottle to wet it down so it dries like that.
  • It works well if you put it in the middle of your head or at the almost top of your head/base of your head. I've done both and they both look great either way.

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