Saturday, June 29, 2013

Spray Paint and Stencil DIY

Alright, have you ever wanted a customized saying on a solid colored shirt that no one else had or sold? Well, here is what I did to make my own! I saw Joan Jett wear one and thought it was pretty cool so this is like the Rock and Roll version of it but you can stencil a picture or a saying, it works either way.


  1. Old Cardboard (I used an old Cardboard box that my Cowboy Boots Came in)
  2. Pencil
  3. Ruler
  4. Solid Color Shirt
  5. Spray Paint(s) of your Color(s)
  6. Scissors
  7. Razor blade, Box Cutter, Etc.
  8. *Optional: Depending if you have a thin material shirt or a thick one, you may need something in between the front and back of your shirt if it is thin so the pray paint won't bleed through.
Now that you have all your supplies it is time to start the tutorial:

Buy the shirt, obviously. If you already have one that has NOTHING on it aka it is plain then you can skip that step. Now you set up your work area, I did mine in my dad's shop on his metal table so you need a flat and sturdy place. I designed the stencil on my kitchen counter, but anyways let's start with the home made stencil. Lay the piece of cardboard flat, next measure out how big you want your stencil and mark it, make sure it fits on the shirt, and then make the lines to where your boarder is gonna be. Then you draw the outline of the stencil, next you take a razor blade, box cutter, etc. and cut the stencil outline, leaving the boarder; Make sure, if you need two or more stencils, you repeat the step I just mentioned. Next, lay out the shirt on the surface completely flat without wrinkles. If your shirt is thin, then when you lay it out put something in between the front and back of the shirt (I used tissue paper from the old boot box I mentioned earlier) and continue on with the rest of these steps. The next step is to put your stencil(s) on the shirt however you want them and then you are ready to spray paint. Choose your color(s) and spray paint over the stencil, let the stencil sit and dry for about an hour then take it off (and take the barrier between the front and back of the shirt out if needed) and you are ready to put your shirt on.

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